MFA Graduate Show Lo Lai Lai Natalie/
今天應該很高興 Merrily Merrily
Cheng Ming Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
27 May 2017 – 23 June 2017
“Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
《划船曲》 (Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
<今天應該很高興> (Merrily, Merrily) 為藝術家勞麗麗藝術碩士畢業展,勞氏以錄像、混合媒介及裝 置創作,直白呈現自身對旅程及自然經驗混沌不明的狀態,嘗試在適時整合梳理,成為一個精心 佈局過、引人入勝的花園迷宮,揭示了追尋烏托邦的過程中跟自然的角力與矛盾。
請賓客好好享受跌跌撞撞的經驗,拋出去的文字或影像,讓它們自己有時順流思考、逆流反抗, 賓客可以繼續保持腦袋清晰,也可以各自賣醉,遇上一個個來自他方我城,陌生又熟悉的傳說、 寓言或故事。瞬間,樂章奏起,請繼續輕快地竭力地走近理想中的目的地 —— 她可以是一座冰川、一杯期待以久透心涼的冰淇淋、一口解愁的酒、憧憬中那幅畫、一首唱給自己的歌曲。
或許沒有人在乎理想國有沒有出現過,下一個景象接通了這一個洞,在心中那一個又一個的空洞 ,我們繼續輕快地走近理想中的冰川, 竭力地翻起了潛藏内心的憧憬及恐懼。
The artist Lo Lai Lai Natalie presents her new video, mixed media and installation works in her MFA graduation show <Merrily, Merrily>, her work is liberating and perversely honest —the uncertainty on her personal experience on travelling and nature. She induced the chaos into an elaborate and compelling labyrinth. It reveals the paradox and struggle with nature when one striving for utopia.
This might be a party and also an inescapable journey. The guests pass by as flow, and step into a labyrinth at the corner. The boring country sceneries are beautiful and uncomplicated as usual. The god of small things is cruel, yet honest. He sang the songs addressing the return to our artificial nature. The wild-life of our bodies shapes what we are today.
Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy staggering along the way. The text and images thrown away are independent, act as it flows or rebel against the current. You are mostly welcome to stay awake or get drunk and come up with the stories, tales or legends seemed at once familiar and strange. Instantly, the chapter begins, we elaborately moving towards the idealistic destination with a swinging pace. She could be a glacier, a long-waited frozen ice-cream, a sip of alcohol that might ease your worries off, a picturesque scene that you have long dreamt for or a song that you sing for yourselves Possibly, no one would care about if there is an utopia we could reach. The images guide us to dwell in your hearts and revisit the inner emptiness. Let’s lightly
move to the idealistic glacier , to uncover the hidden longing and anxiety with every effort of cordiality.
三段錄像播放,全長約 32 分鐘 此放映室由漫慢電視全力支持 3 clips of Videos screening in the room, total length around 32 min This room is fully supported by Slow-so TV
配樂 Music/ 黃洐仁 Wong Hin Yan 音樂設計及混音 Sound Design/ Ricky Yip, Cyrus Tang 聲 Voice/ Gladys Chiu (冰川 Glacier)
冰川 Glacier
彩色 / 17' 07" / 粵語,中英文字幕/單頻道錄像/雙聲道/ 2016
Colour / 17' 07” / In Cantonese with Chinese & English Subtitles/ Single Channel Video/ Stereo/ 2016
冰川不斷溶化,形成清晰澄明的河流,也可化成吃得的冰川, comfort food 安撫被激怒、被霜害凍傷的情 緒,怪不得它總令人趨之若騖。 Glaciers continue to melt and run into crystal clear rivers. Glaciers can also be magically transformed into a kind of comfort food; an edible glacier, which consoles those who are angry or depressed. No wonder people are obsessed with it.
*23rd ifva比賽評審推薦作品放映(2018年3月)
23rd ifva recommendation from judges (March,2018)
一不小心就分了神 Our Minds Drifting Away, Again
彩色 / 5’ 40” / 中英文字幕 單頻道錄像 / 雙聲道/ 2017
/ Colour / 5’ 40” / Single Channel Video/ Stereo/ Chinese & English Subtitles / 2017
Video link
幾分鐘的木雕製作過程,一個把木仿作日本傳統食材木魚乾的經驗, 純粹而簡單,製作人及拍攝者看似 專心投入,卻總有一不小心就分了 神的時候。 Few minutes making of a wooden sculpture, imitating a Katsuobushi (dried Bonito), the traditional ingredient in Japanese cooking. The process was pure and simple. We, the shooting and production team, seems focused, but without notice, our minds drifted away, again.
飛天潛水艇Deep Flight
彩色/9’20”/ 中英文字幕/單頻道錄像 / 雙聲道 /2017
Colour / 9’20” / /Chinese & English Subtitles /Single Channel Video/ Stereo/ 2017
大自然中的她化作飛天潛水艇,來者不拒,多年來運送五花百門的物 事,包括欲望。
She became a Deep Flight in the natural environment, never saying no, delivering diverse kinds of matter and happening, including desires.
*23rd ifva比賽公開組入圍作品放映(2018年3月)
finalist of 23rd ifva (Open Categories) (March, 2018)
30 x 20 x 11 厘米
版本:8 + AP
Glacier in Progress
CPVC, glass measuring cup
30 x 20 x 11 cm
Edition of 8 + AP
Video link
版本:1 + AP
Karaoke set, headphone, coffee table, HD single channel videos
Size variable
Karaoke set, headphone, coffee table, HD single channel video / Size variable
There is a leisure farm located close to our farm. It provides holiday-makers with possibilities of enjoying the taste of farming life with organic strawberry fields, small parcels of land to rent for recreational gardening, barbecue and karaoke-singing. The field is filled with pop songs from different generations. When could we sing our songs to us?
Edition of 1 + AP