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Glacier 冰川
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GLACIER_冰川_Lo Lai Lai Natalie _excerpt

Please click and play the video.Please contact the artist Lo Lai Lai Natalie at for the full version.

冰川 Glacier
彩色 / 17' 07" / 粵語,中英文字幕/單頻道錄像/雙聲道/ 2016
Colour / 17' 07” / In Cantonese with Chinese & English Subtitles/ Single Channel Video/ Stereo/ 2016
冰川不斷溶化,形成清晰澄明的河流,也可化成吃得的冰川, comfort food 安撫被激怒、被霜害凍傷的情 緒,怪不得它總令人趨之若騖。 Glaciers continue to melt and run into crystal clear rivers. Glaciers can also be magically transformed into a kind of comfort food; an edible glacier, which consoles those who are angry or depressed. No wonder people are obsessed with it.

Glacier 冰川
Glacier 冰川

2016 / 彩色 / 17' 07" / 粵語,中英文字幕

這百幾年間,冰川是烏托邦般的美好,似是觸不到卻總是人們憧憬中的那張圖。冰川不斷溶化, 形成清晰澄明的河流,也可化成吃得的冰川,comfort food 安撫被激怒、被霜害凍傷的情緒,怪不得它總令人趨之若騖。

2016 / Colour / 17' 00" / In Cantonese with Chinese & English Subtitles
Over the past centuries, a glacier has become a place like a utopia, like an unreachable picture which we long for. Glaciers continue to melt and run into crystal clear rivers. Glaciers can also be magically transformed into a kind of comfort food: an edible glacier, which consoles those who are angry or depressed. No wonder people are obsessed with it.

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